Ian Jeffries is not for Sale
By Bob McCabe
Paperback signed by the Author
When Laura Anne Robinson offered £10,000
for Addie Jeffries’ youngest son Ian,
Addie thought she was joking.
After all, they were on their second bottle of Chablis, and Ian was, as they say, a street angel and a house devil. Why would this wealthy woman with her perfect figure, flawless make-up and beautiful home part with so much money to secure a summer playmate for her own son?
For the Jeffries family, life in 1960s suburban Ireland is a constant battle with leaky roof, school fees and repeatedly darned socks. While Addie hankers after the finer things for herself and her family, husband Roy lacks ambition and lets promotion opportunities pass him by time and again, until Addie loses patience and takes matters into her own hands.
It’s a risky endeavour, she knows. If all goes to plan, the Jeffries will never have to worry again about getting the roof fixed, but if it doesn’t, they stand to lose the one thing no amount of money can buy.
When Laura Anne Robinson offered £10,000
for Addie Jeffries’ youngest son Ian,
Addie thought she was joking.
After all, they were on their second bottle of Chablis, and Ian was, as they say, a street angel and a house devil. Why would this wealthy woman with her perfect figure, flawless make-up and beautiful home part with so much money to secure a summer playmate for her own son?
For the Jeffries family, life in 1960s suburban Ireland is a constant battle with leaky roof, school fees and repeatedly darned socks. While Addie hankers after the finer things for herself and her family, husband Roy lacks ambition and lets promotion opportunities pass him by time and again, until Addie loses patience and takes matters into her own hands.
It’s a risky endeavour, she knows. If all goes to plan, the Jeffries will never have to worry again about getting the roof fixed, but if it doesn’t, they stand to lose the one thing no amount of money can buy.
The Masterpiece
By Bob McCabe
A Unique Heroine.
An Intriguing Mystery
people are dying for?
Family orientated Susan Macken buys a painting because it awakens memories of her childhood.
She is unaware it may be a TURNER MASTERPIECE.
Susan begins to have disturbing flashbacks.
In pursuit of the truth she enters an unfamiliar world of extreme danger, deception and secrecy. Much is revealed to her about herself, her identity.
A beautiful young man with a lethal secret, a Dragon with a television reputation, uncompromising Prague businessmen, London, Prague, Dublin, a fair helping of Irish family life, a husband with a penchant for female calligraphers and back to the year 1825, shipwrecks and conspiracy.
Who is Abigail? Who is Susan Macken?
My Paintings Bob McCabe
Some Poems
Life Partners
Breakfast, on a terrace, morning light
She sits, her coffee cup and plate ignored
Her mind elsewhere on times now out of sight
Alone, life’s partner gone, once adored
Memories fill the ornate vacant chair
Where once he sat, her vital being gone
One with her, now taken, so unfair
She sighs and lifts her head, life must go on
They always said whatever one was left
Should keep the dream alive a pure white dove
Inspite of all the wonders now bereft
Companionship replace undying love
A man, close by, looks at another chair
Unoccupied, the loss of someone dear
Of each other, they are both aware
Companionship a kindred spirit here?
Bob McCabe
Far too much to drink
I cannot hold the glass, my fingers won’t obey
I want, I crave to drink, it’s in my blood
I clutch the bottle there’s no other way
I drink with hunger, thirst misunderstood
I cannot stand nor even can I talk
I try, my limbs, my tongue, will not obey
Helpless on my back, I cannot walk
Defeated, lost I cry, no other way
The wind inside me moves, a trapped air sack
I burp, the tears rolling down my cheeks.
Lift me up and pat me on the back
I’m just a little baby of six weeks
Bob McCabe
Glass Half Full
For some, the cage door opens once a year
to seek the sparkle, foreign climate pours
into their famished lives, restore what’s dear.
Pleasure replacing, mundane daily chores.
For some, the cage door’s always open wide
not from wealth, riches, power, you’ll find
But from within, as sure as rising tide
The wondrous gift, that is, peace of mind
Glass half full or empty, that’s your choice
The living cup, you’ll drink what e’er it brings
You write the script, you always have a voice
Life’s wonders never cease the song to sing
Bob McCabe
The Arts
An artist, whether words or paint inspired
Best sellers, or those dusting on the shelf
Masterpiece, or mundane, undesired
One should compete, with no one but oneself
One’s words are borne to bring to others ears
One’s art is offered to all seeing eyes
An artist, brave, presents, and never fears
It’s in the work the message lives or dies
So, paint and write be guided by the muse
Delve deep into the talents that prevail
Within you, there’s no doubt you have to choose
To strive perfection, accepting you might fail
Bob McCabe
Life Partners
Breakfast, on a terrace, morning light
She sits, her coffee cup and plate ignored
Her mind elsewhere on times now out of sight
Alone, life’s partner gone, once adored
Memories fill the ornate vacant chair
Where once he sat, her vital being gone
One with her, now taken, so unfair
She sighs and lifts her head, life must go on
They always said whatever one was left
Should keep the dream alive a pure white dove
Inspite of all the wonders now bereft
Companionship replace undying love
A man, close by, looks at another chair
Unoccupied, the loss of someone dear
Of each other, they are both aware
Companionship a kindred spirit here?
Bob McCabe
What might have been
I should have, could have, didn’t, talk to her
For seven days, an ocean cruise we shared
The prize won’t go to those who so demur
I watched, but didn’t tell her how I cared
Sometimes, life deals the perfect winning hand
An encounter, fulfilling all ones dreams
Her aspect not pretentious, self-obsessed or bland
I wanted to uncover all it means
At last we talked, so close, we shared a seat
My greatest expectation, our last day
Common interests shared the role complete
Between us, there was, so much to say
An hour seemed like moments, airport bus
I helped her down wanting to hold her hand
Good byes to others alighting just like us
She walked away, I stood in no man’s land
“Don’t leave me I’m too long alone with dreams”
To find the words and how they should be framed
“What is your name, come back, please stay” I screamed
But only in my mind the words remained
Bob McCabe
Peace of Mind
Elusive peace of mind, humanity
Not always found in spirits, those who deem
To break the shackles of mundanity
And climb to any height that’s not foreseen.
Ambition, greed, success, go hand in hand
Molding, shaping memories, sometimes marred
All actions cause reaction, how you stand
One’s probably paid the price, life can be hard
Simple confession wipes the slate so clean
The Church’s answer caring for your soul.
Too glib perhaps, but easy to believe
For those who choose to take an easy role
So, recollect, and quantify the sin
Give and take, the balance, how you fared
Forgiveness, comes more often, from within
Peace of mind is therefore simply shared
Bob McCabe
Running Blind
Partners in a Marathon, to the end
I cannot see, I will be running blind
Total dependence on a trusted friend
Enclosed, unseeing, does things to the mind
Excited runner’s voices at the start
Now toe the line, are quiet with respect
The loudest sound to me, my beating heart
Apprehension, what can I expect?
Joking, laughs and banter as we move
So far to go, the challenge is laid down
Both of us with something here to prove
Comedy is serious to the clown
I’ve trained my body, I will last the pace
We reach half way, disorientation seeps
Into my consciousness, my personal space
My back is strong but doubt, the enemy creeps.
Spectators call and cheer as if aware.
Distress, my silent cry, my need, assist
Reward them, kick my legs up in the air
They laugh they clap, a clown cannot resist
Applause from strangers fortifies like wine
At last the finish nears we’ve run the course
Triumph over pain, I cross the line
The back end of a funny. pantomime horse
Bob McCabe